You’re in the perfect place.
On the surface, it might appear like you’ve got it all figured out.
However, deep down, you sense a misalignment…
As your dedicated Leadership Coach, I’m here to guide you through that journey.

Imagine if you were:
- Clear on your Values and Purpose
- Less stressed, happier, more productive
- Feeling more alive, energised, and capable
- Taking consistent action
- Digging deeper in those crucial moments
- Feeling less panicked and more focused

Jeremy is a speaker, workshop facilitator and coach. He has worked with business leaders at all levels internationally and across multiple sectors.
Jeremy’s commercial experience has spanned over a decade, serving at KPMG, Arnotts and as part of the regional Executive Leadership Team at Kelsen Group (Hong Kong).
His influence lies at the unique intersection of technical and cultural – a CA, CPA, Mental Health First Aider and a Certified Practitioner in a Psychological Safety tool co-developed by Dr Amy Edmondson, Professor of Leadership and Management at Harvard Business School.
He is passionate about using data and an evidence-based approach to elevate team performance and wellbeing, especially in the midst of accelerating technological change and uncertainty.
Delivered Coaching & Workshops to Individuals & Groups
From Organisations Including:

Linh Nguyen
“After working with him, I feel less stressed, happier, more productive, delegating more and overall be a better leader.”
Evelyn Cui
“I was able to take consistent action, to find clarity, and to learn more about what it means to be productive.“
Kyle Denman
Fashion Designer
“I’m in the fashion industry which is highly competitive and very, very stressful sometimes. For me, I’ve gained a lot from these mentoring sessions”.
Matthew Ferrer
“I achieved better clarity and better understanding of how my mind works. I don’t feel panicked now and I feel focused.”
Michael Lai
Managing Director

“With his unique view of what it means to be a leader, I have finally managed to find a way to align the goals of my team in a way that is empowering yet productive.”
Million Dollar Agent
Invited by John McGrath (Founder and CEO of ASX listed McGrath Real Estate Agents) onto his podcast with Tom Panos (Australasia’s #1 Real Estate coach) and Troy Malcolm (Real Estate Executive). We talked about a range of topics impacting performance including overcoming emotional reactivity, self-confidence, motivation and Psychological Safety.
Magical Learning Podcast
Invited by Danette Fenton-Menzies (Director of Learning), Grahame Gerstenberg (CEO), Allen Hunt (Director) and Jez Fenton-Menzies (Multimedia Co-ordinator). In this episode we spoke about practical strategies to control your emotions and how to find your purpose.